
Some issues in psychotherapy with gay and lesbian clients. 著者: Baron, Judith, West Chester U, Dept of Counseling & Psychological Services, West Chester, PA, US 資料: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, Vol 33(4), Win 1996. pp. 611-616.


Some issues which may arise in psychotherapy with some gay and lesbian clients are the focus of this article. A history of the recent views held by mental health professionals is reviewed. The effects of these views on clients entering psychotherapy is discussed. Examples from the transference and countertransference relationships especially regarding issues of acceptance and affirmation vs. rejection of homosexual object choice as well as the related issue of openness vs. secretiveness are offered. The issue of loss is related to the consolidation of a gay identity with an example. A case study of an example of compulsive sexuality as a defense against depression and anxiety is included. )



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